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Dinamo "Nucleo 3" Rosato, Umbria, Italy 2021

Dinamo "Nucleo 3" Rosato, Umbria, Italy 2021

Regular price $24.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 USD
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From Selection Naturel

THE WINE: 50% Gamay del Trasimeno (Grenache) and 50% Sangiovese direct press (no skin contact). Spontaneous fermentation, aged in stainless steel. No added sulfur and no filtering or fining.

THE PRODUCER: The “Dinamo” project is an exciting nod to the historic peasant wines of Umbria, in a collaboration between Danilo Nofrini with his children Rachele and Simone, and Danilo Marcucci. After more than 40 years of making wine, Danilo Marcucci wanted to embrace the kind of wines that he used to make as a child with his grandfather. Together, in the highest vineyards around Lake Trasimeno, the Nofrinis and Marcucci have succeeded in creating an agricultural program that aims at wines that are pure and natural, with high nutritional and energy values that go beyond fashions, trends and judgements. Wines born of the land, and of a simple story from the humble and reserved people of the Umbrian countryside.

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